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Women and Wisdom

Upcoming Events

We are pleased to share information about a group of dedicated Spiritual Teachers in our area, led by the founder, Marilyn Wolf offering wisdom and insights to Spiritual development through the innovative SCHOOL AT SPACE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING.


A Day and a Half Program with Linda Brown


Sat., Feb. 8 / 9:30 - 4:00 and Sun., Feb. 9 / 2:00 - 4:00

(Bring your own lunch. Beverages provided.)

"For in the beginning, when God said, 'Let it be' and it came to pass, the means and the Matrix of creation was Love, because all creation was formed through HER as in the twinkling of an eye."


--The Holy Spirit as Sapientia, St. Hildegard von Bingen


How could approaching Divinity as feminine help us navigate the strange upheaval of our times? Does our concept of God make a difference?


The space we are living in today presents us with serious challenges as spiritual students. We offer you a day and half of sanctuary to explore together The Divine Mystery as Feminine.Let’s spend these this day and a half focusing on this idea and this energy through cultivating a relationship with Spirit as feminine, through meditation, music, writings, prayer, and sharing. On day two, we will hear Linda read a few of her poems and talk about how poetry moves us toward this relationship with the Divine Feminine .

Image by Kumiko SHIMIZU

Location: To be announced / Limited to 8 participants (5 spaces left).                

Cost: $60 - $120. Pay what you can in this range. Financial assistance available.

Just email us at to inquire.

Contact the School: (336) 601-0823

September 2025

Opening to Boundless Love with Miranda MacPherson.

September 24 @ 5:00 pm - September 28 @ 12:00 pm


North Carolina Retreat You are invited to join Miranda and a small group of 30 participants for a deeply transformative residential 5 day retreat full of profound spiritual teaching, supported self-inquiry, meditation, chanting and prayer in the stunning fall setting of the highly acclaimed
Art of Living Retreat Center, Boone, North Carolina.


Love is the divine medicine that helps us to heal and thrive on every level, and yet it is so much more that something we get or give. This retreat invites you to relax the search for love through particular circumstances, delve into beautiful teachings and practices that guide us how to open up, step beyond our habitual stories of separation and experience the nondual state of Boundless Love as who you truly are and always have been.


For more information, please click here!

Join Women and Wisdom mailing list for updates

Everything Changes: When you begin to love yourself, you no longer send out energy of desperation or need to be filled from the outside. You become a powerful source within yourself that attracts better. The more you love who you are, the less you seek validation and approval.  --Idil Ahmed

You do not need to know what is happening,

or where it is all going.

What you need to recognize are the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment,

And to embrace them with courage, faith and love.

The world is transparent and

the Divine is shining through all the time”.

                        ~Thomas Merton

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